Surrender – there is no answer key to life

Surrender – there is no answer key to life

"When am I going to die?" "When is __________ going to die?" "Should I have another baby?" "Am I going to have another baby?" "Are we moving?" "Should we move?" "Should I be married to my husband?" "I am thinking of switching careers; is it the right thing to do?" These questions are none of [...]

What happened when I chose faith over fear

What happened when I chose faith over fear

Recently I was asked to speak at event organized by one of my favorite business owners, Ahnna Goossen. She owns Yoga Bella and the Acupuncture and Herbal Clinic in Gilroy. The evening was a beautiful event that included Qi Gong instruction (there is a class each week at Yoga Bella) and sound healing with the [...]

An open letter to myself…

An open letter to myself…

The rain came down yesterday. Puddles litter the ground and this afternoon's storm is imminent. In fact, the call came through while I was at breakfast with a friend that all after school meetings and activities are cancelled, except high school athletics. So I am still waiting to hear from my son's soccer coach if [...]

Notes on a life well lived

Notes on a life well lived

Dozens of self-help books litter my bookshelves from Anne Lamott, Gabby Bernstein, to Shauna Niequist. I have also read Marianne Williamson, and I can't quite stomach Rachel Hollis, but I have read more than half of Girl, Wash Your Face; sorry people she is way too overzealous and tough love for me. Brene Brown's Gift [...]

Shit just got real – lessons from afourytale

Shit just got real – lessons from afourytale

"Maybe in order to understand mankind we have to look at that word itself. MANKIND. Basically, it's made up of two separate words mank and ind. What do these words mean? It's a mystery and that's why so is mankind." - Jack Handey I am no Jack Handey, but sometimes I sure feel like I [...]