Goodnight 37

It’s become a yearly tradition of mine to reflect on my year the eve of my birthday. The last two years I have also spent my birthday doing Random Acts of Kindness and making sure there was a party.

This year, I did the opposite. I hunkered down in a weekend of quiet relaxation. I had a small celebration with just my immediate family. 

This past year I derailed a bit. I have decided it’s time to get back to the basics. I need to take better care of me. I need to make year 38 a year that rivals all others when it comes to my self care.

I need to run again, so instead of saying good-bye to running I say Hello! Hello She.Is.Beautiful 10K I am coming for you in Santa Cruz and Santa Barbara and I am running both for Team Glitter.  
Hello to spending more time with my beautiful, highly entertaining nieces.  

Say hello to making time for these special faces. No more hang on a second’s or we’ll have to do it tomorrow. I am making more time for these sweet angels. Whether it’s camping, amusement parking, or just plain hanging out -family first this year; family first!  



Hello to another year of unraveling cancer. Our whole family is going to work again to raise awareness and funds. I will be active again at 38.

I am so excited I get to cheer on this kid at more races.  

And this kid…


To another year, with another perfect tree.  

Hello to another successful Holiday Cheer in 2017.   


To another year that includes more trips to the beach.


Hello to more laughter and fun. To basking in it so it fills my soul.  

To another  year where there will not be any half-assing only whole-asssing.


Goodnight 37 and Hello 38 because age is what you make it and we are never too old to stop trying new things.

 Goodnight and hello 38,


One thought on “Goodnight 37

  1. Great post! Good call on the decisions for 38. Work and live simply! Live each day as if it is your last. Wake up thankful for another. Take care of you. There is too much at stake to not have you. 37 was good. You did a lot of great things and helped many. 38 might just be that year ….. Best wishes for a wonderful 38! Love you!

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