Checking in on the check list

“If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten.” –Tony Robbins

So back in January I wrote out a list of things I wanted to get better at this year. It is always good to check in and see how you are doing on those goals and re-evaluate make sure you stay on track. So here it goes…

1. I am going to lose 15 more pounds…

Well, I went sideways on this one – I gained back 10 pounds and now have 21 pounds to lose total now. I know the math seems funny, but I lost a total of 22 pounds and I was hoping to hit a goal weight that I have in my head. I am now 21 pounds from that goal weight. One day right, maybe. Sometimes I think I just am not supposed to be thin. I am a stress eater, who loves comfort food and trying to fit in as much exercise as I need is a little crazy. I am training for a half marathon that is in October so at least that keeps me moving.

2. I need to manage myself better…

I said I would try to make at least 30 minutes of me time a day – I am have gotten better about this. I used to spend weekends focused on laundry and grocery shopping; I no longer make that the focus of my weekend and try to spread out laundry during the week a bit more and make quick trips to the grocery store. I definitely take more time than I ever have in the past to do things I would like to do.

3. Mommy & me time….

This one has still been a tough one – making time for each child each week. There is time at bed time for sure, which is good. I do make a good effort to connect with each child each day to talk about what is going on with them. I still need to do better on this one, but it is a focus.

4. Oooo la la…

This one was time out with my husband – at least once a month. Doing pretty well on this one – we have gone out more often than we have in the past, but we also enjoy hanging with our kids – we are a little crazy that way.

5. Monthly lessons…

I was supposed to write down my lessons each month – I lumped the whole summer together – that counts, right?!

6. RAKs…

Random Acts of Kindness – I am definitely better at this, but need to keep it up. We need more good in the world. I mean how can I combat Miley Cyrus antics and demonstrate to my children there are better ways to have people talking about you than your twerking moves in a nude-kini.

7. More home cooked meals…

I have definitely made more meals and tried more recipes. We still eat out more than we should, but I am making strides on this one. I have found pancakes I love and bacon wrapped chicken is easy and delicious.

8. Pray out loud…

We say grace at dinner almost every night – we talk more about talking with God and praying. This one still needs more work.

9. Get ready, get set…

This was an effort to make myself look more presentable. I am far from a fashionista, but I am not in sweatpants and work out gear as often as I used to be. I know, I was really hoping to make it on What not to Wear before it went off the air; since that didn’t happen I had to at least better my wardrobe so it was at least presentable. It is hard when you are losing and gaining weight. Doing the best I can with what I have on this one. I did do something a tad crazy and decided to become a brunette after being a blonde my whole life. Not a fan favorite from the feedback, but I like it. I like that it is against the trend a bit and it fits my personality a bit better; I think.

10. Make better mistakes tomorrow…

This is an epic fail – if anything this has gotten worse not better. I was supposed to work on letting myself off the hook. Not happening. Maybe one day.

I often think of others that inspire me to be the best version of myself. Christopher Reeve said, “Once you choose hope, anything’s possible.” I believe, that is all. I just believe and have hope. So if I just keep these things in mind I can stay on a steady path to improvement.

– A true day dream believer and check list maker and re-checker and professional word maker-upper

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P.S. Thanks for stopping by and reading my blog.

3 thoughts on “Checking in on the check list

  1. Michelle, You are by far and away your toughest critic. You have no idea how perfect you are. You are pretty, smart, loving, caring, sharing, a great wife, a wonderful mom and sincerely a role model person. I do not know anyone that takes the time you do to make others feel important, special and cared for. You do a fantastic over the top first class job at work. You have a fabulous family that is fun, full of personality, great to be around and each person exudes love for others. You are interesting, funny, kind, honest, trustworthy, creative, expressive, and all in all a very special person. If I could be more like someone, it would be you. I love all my girls equally and you are different with unique qualities. You are the light of my life and so many others, you will never know. I love that you always strive to do and be better everyday. But I just want you to know that from the worlds point of view, you are trying to improve perfection. Please know that you are loved for who you are …. and that is a very special wonderful fantastic person!

    1. Thank you so much for these words. I can not even express adequately how these made me feel today. I love you very, very much and so appreciate you reading my blog and supporting me. Thank you.

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