Spiritual mediums can receive messages from spirit in a variety of ways and communicate those messages to our human consciousness. Mediums can communicate with souls through all five senses, emotions and images.

What is the difference between a psychic and a spiritual medium?

Psychics use the energy within themselves or objects to see information about the past, present or future and deliver those messages to their clients.

Mediums use the energy from spirit or other individuals’ souls to gather information and deliver messages to their clients.

Psychics often use their intuition to predict future events, while mediums relay messages about the past and the present. Michelle believes we are souls having a human experience. Souls are “wired” with all the knowledge needed for this lifetime and it is important for each of person to listen to their own intuition and make their personal choices in this life. Each soul needs to take ownership of these choices to complete its journey. While guidance and advice can be helpful, each person already has the answers they need within themselves.

How do I book an appointment?

To book an appointment you can email Michelle at booking@michellemurninpaulson.com. Please provide the type (group or individual), length (60 or 90 minute) session and if it is a group session please indicate how many people in order to insure a quicker and more adequate response.

Do I need to bring anything with me?

Michelle recommends bringing a pen and paper to take notes as there may be things you want to remember about the session.

Can I record my session?

Michelle asks that sessions are not recorded at this time.

Can I bring people with me?

Of course! Please make sure that you check the pay schedule if you are both looking to get a reading. There are different prices depending on the number of people present that would like to receive a reading. Because all individuals present at a reading can affect what messages are delivered there isn’t an option to attend without participating. Each person attending the session must be an active participant.

Are you able to speak to a specific loved one in spirit?

Yes, but there are no guarantees of who will step forward and Michelle does not pressure a spirit loved one to participate. Michelle allows spirit to lead in the sessions and whomever comes forward with messages are the messages that are delivered.

What can I expect at the appointment?

At the appointment, Michelle will give you some brief background information. As well as, describe how the messages are received so you can better interpret them.

You can ask questions about the information or of the spirits who are speaking.

Is there a difference between a phone and an in-person session?

There truly is no energetic difference for Michelle. She enjoys meeting new clients as well as delivering messages via phone. 

How do I pay?

You can pay via credit card by using PayPal, Venmo or you can pay by cash or check. There may be a $50 booking fee that is non-refundable at the time of booking the appointment. It does go toward your session fee. Please note if you are wanting to book an out of area appointment there will be travel fees that apply.

Is there a cancellation policy?

Michelle does require a 48-hour notice that you are cancelling and there is a non-refundable booking charge of $50. Please note that if you need to reschedule this booking fee will be applied to the rescheduling and you will not lose this fee.

How much time should I wait in between appointments?

Michelle requires that repeat clients always wait at least three months in between appointments. Michelle does not always allow repeat clients. 

Your question isn’t here…

If you have other questions that you don’t see here you can visit her Facebook page here and ask the question. If you ask on Facebook, Michelle will answer questions via her live Facebook videos or by messaging you back